Community of Practice Learning Peacebuilding

Our presence is growing all over Europe and beyond. Start your journey with us!


Selected activists and educators on road to more peace

Last July we gathered educators and peace builders with experience in community building in conflict regions across Europe, exploring methods and developing tools for peacebuilding youth work. 

How we see .

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Understading a new reality is important on this step.



Here 'Your People' become 'My People'.



Prepating for lasting change takes time and efforts.



Actively working on reconciliation with community.

Our Sessions

Theatre of Witness – Collective stories of suffering, transformation and peace

‘Theatre of Witness’ is a form of performance in which “the true stories of those who have been marginalised, forgotten or hurt by society are ...
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Kintsugi practice – An art-based intervention for reconciliation

A practical intervention tool along with a conceptual learning approach about reconciliation, presented by Dr. Alejandra del Pilar Ortiz-Ayala, Research Associate and Head of Conflict ...
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‘The Missing Peace’ Project: Kick-Off Meeting & Study Visit to Ireland

The Glencree Centre for Peace and Reconciliation was delighted to host international partners in a kick-off meeting and study visit for our recently approved and ...
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Collaboration between a peace and reconciliation centre and youth-focused NGOs working within post-conflict settings

The Missing Peace project seeks to increase the participation of young people, with a sub-target group being young women, within peace and reconciliation processes, through long-term capacity building of:

  • youth workers,
  • non-governmental organisations,
  • youth organisations,

to better complement their approaches regarding driving youth engagement in their communities.

The project is funded by @leargas.ireland.

Our Participants Say

“The training really gave us the chance and a safe room to express our ideas, concerns and the courage to share true stories from our daily lives, our own experiences.”
Teacher from Cyprus
“I personally enjoyed every moment of it and took with me the great methodology of non formal education, thanks to the trainers and organizers and the openness and kindness of everyone involved.”
Peace Activist
“I really appreciate their effort to bring together youth workers from the regions of Europe where ‘conflict’ actually existed in their recent history and it is still there waiting in silence.”
Youth Worker
85% of participants found the training course enriching